Writing and Developing Your College Textbook Online Course


Based on an 11-chapter section of Writing and Developing Your College Textbook: A Comprehensive Guide by former publisher, author and textbook editor Mary Ellen Lepionka, this self-paced course will empower you to undertake textbook development by guiding you through the nuts and bolts of the development process.



Based on an 11-chapter section of Writing and Developing Your College Textbook: A Comprehensive Guide by former publisher, author and textbook editor Mary Ellen Lepionka, this self-paced course will empower you to undertake textbook development by guiding you through the nuts and bolts of the development process.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why your textbook needs development
  • How to write to reach your true audience
  • How to establish an effective authorial voice
  • Why you need learning objectives
  • Why heading structure matters
  • How to develop your pedagogy, apparatus and feature strands
  • How to make drafting and revising easier
  • How to attend to permissions and presentation
  • How to put it all together


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